You can now enter all your custom tweaks and settings into this file, and they will come into effect automatically each and every time you start Doom 3. So the best thing to do is create a new text file, rename it to "AutoExec.cfg" (without quotes) and place it in your \Doom 3\base\ directory. However changing some of the settings in DoomConfig.cfg will see them reset to default values again the next time you restart Doom 3. DoomConfig.cfg already exists in your \Doom 3\base\ directory, and you can edit it using a text editor like Windows WordPad or Notepad. By default, when the game engine starts, it automatically detects the presence of, and runs the command variables from two specific files: DoomConfig.cfg and AutoExec.cfg. This is because the game engine resets these variables to their default state as the engine initializes at startup.

Although you can alter many variables by entering them into the console, most command variables need to be set each and every time you start Doom 3.